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Security Exploration Platform - 1 eXperimental

Dual hull airship

Advanced design in aerospace technologies  

The Fusion Research Group has decided apply their knowledge in benefit of more technological applications.


The present project was awarded into the "UANL Prize for Invention 2018, 2017 & 2016: Recognition of Industrial Property" with 15 technological developments: 


Patents and Industrial Models

Regarding the scientific & technological production, the GIF was the research group that received the most awards in the UANL Invention Prize: March, 2016.


The GIF created a dual hull airship multipurpose and multifunctional.


Application areas:


  • Surveillance and security

  • Retransmission signal station, meteorological station

  • Terrestrial traffic platform control

  • Drone carrier

  • Defense

  • Publicity

  • Passengers

Project characteristics:


  • Self-sustaining (renewable energies are used for supply the energy systems)

  • Longer capacity of flight: 3 - 4 weeks

  • Redundant navigation and control systems (GPS, visual mapping, radio frequency)

  • The entire airship structure is modular, has the capacity to generate several aerodynamics configurations

  • The modular unit base for the ensemble has the capacity for resist great loads.

  • New materials (3D printing technology)

PSE - 1X: Economical Sustentation Project

Grupo de Investigación en Fusión

Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico

Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica

Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León | e-mail:

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Av. Universidad s/n. Ciudad Universitaria, San Nicolás de los Garza, Nuevo León, México, C.P. 66451

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