Personnel Fusion Researchers
Mexican nationality
Research interests
Nuclear fusion, magnetic confinement fusion reactors
Tritium Breeder Materials, Condensed Matter Physics, Interaction Radiation Matter, Energy Generation, Energy Systems, New Energy Sources.

2016 - at the date
Breeding blankets and tritium technology
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Institute for Technical Physics (ITEP)
Tritium Laboratory Karlsruhe (TLK)
Education and professional experience
2015 - 2013
Master Degree in Nuclear Fusion and Physics for Engineering, European Master Fusion Program
2010 - 2005
Mechatronic Engineer
Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Faculty - Nuevo Leon State University
Bachelor Sciences Thesis: Pellet injector design with angular variable insertion for the magnetic confinement fusion experiment Tokamak "T"
2012 - 2012
Leader for the development of projects. Support to process and production engineers. Selection of materials and suppliers: Forum Oilfield Technologies.
2011 - 2012
Vitro SA, Mechanical design engineer. Activities: Tooling design for 8 production plants: Mexico, USA, Brazil & Colombia.
2011 - 2011
Grupo Industrial Tauro, New Product Engineer. Activities: Design of steel products, design of hydraulic and electronic products. Simulation of collisions. Training of industrial designers.
2009 -2009
Development of a speed control algorithm for a wind turbine in a Microchip microcontroller.
Informatic Skills
Linux, LaTeX, SolidWorks, CATIA, Autocad, COMSOL, CCS Compiler, ISIS proteus, ARES proteus, PSIM, Multisim, Lenguaje ensamblador, NetBeans (Java), Eclipse IDE (Java), Lenguaje C, Matlab, Mplab IDE, RC Logix 5000.
Articles in extenso, Memories and/or Proceedings of International Conferences
J.A. Gonzalez, M.Salvador, J.Martínez, A.Nieto, O.A.Muñoz, J.González, J.R.Morones, R.M.Chávez, G.R.Cavazos, V.M.Arredondo, S. Martínez, M.A.Sanromán, I.E.Morales, A.Acosta, J.V.Guzmán, C.A.Briseño.
60 GHz-300 kW Gyrotron General Design for the Mexican Tokamak "T"
FIP/P4-33, 26th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference 2016, IAEA-FEC 2016, Kyoto Japan, 17-22 Oct. 2016.
M.Salvador, J.Martínez, J.González, J.R. Morones, S. Sanna, S. Martínez, J.A.González, O.A.Muñoz, A.Nieto, O.A. Islas, C.U.Acosta, J.A. Arce, R.M.Chávez, V.M.Arredondo, G.R. Cavazos, M.A. Sanroman, C.A. Olivares, C.R. Uder.
Design of Toroidal Coils Testing Bench: Advances in the Mexican Tokamak “T”, FIP/P8-23, 25th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference 2014, IAEA-FEC 2014, San Petersburgo, Russian Federation.
M.Salvador, J.Martínez, A.E.Tapia, R.M.Chávez, S.Sanna, J.González, J.R. Morones, J.A.González, O.A.Muñoz, V.M.Arredondo, A.Nieto, C.U.Acosta, S.Martínez, F.J.Almaguer, M.A.Alcorta, G.R. Cavazos;
Advances in the Electrical Systems - General Analysis of the Coils Design in the Mexican Tokamak “T” Experimental Facility,
FTP/P1-32, 24th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, IAEA-FEC 2012, San Diego, CA, USA.
Salvador, M.; Muñoz, O.A.; Martínez, J.; Tapia, A.E.; Arredondo, V.M.; Chávez, R.M.; Nieto, A.; Velasco, J.C.; Morones, R.; Garza, A.V.; González, J.A.; Ramírez, V.
Mexican Design of a Tokamak Experimental Facility, FTP/P6-36
23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, IAEA-FEC 2010, Daejeon, Korea Rep. of, 11-16 Oct. 2010.
National Technical Documents
Salvador M .; Martínez J .; Villarreal A .; Betancourt F .; Muñoz O .; Martínez S .;
Study on the state of the university's electricity grid
Fusion Research Group and the Federal Electricity Commission. Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon. Year 2009
Posters: International Conferences
Max Salvador; Víctor Arredondo; Carlos Acosta; Eduardo Tapia; Samuele Sanna; Joel González; Rene Chavez; Jorge Guevara; Omar Muñoz; Julio Martínez ; Alejandro Nieto; Genrry Cavazos.
Diffusion Mechanism on Silicon Carbide: A Tight Binding Scheme, International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, ICFRM16 – Beijing, Pop. Rep. of China (2013)
Max Salvador; Víctor Arredondo; Carlos Acosta; Eduardo Tapia; Samuele Sanna; Joel González; Rene Chavez; Jorge Guevara; Omar Muñoz; Julio Martínez ; Alejandro Nieto; Genrry Cavazos; José Guzman.
Design of the tiles displacement system carriers and removable coil cases on Mexican Tokamak “T”, International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials ICFRM16 – Beijing, Pop. Rep. of China (2013)
C. Ribeiro; M. Salvador; J. González; R. Fonck; G. Gartska; R. Chávez; O. Muñoz; J. Martínez; E. Estrada; J. González
Recommissioning the spherical tokamak MEDUSA in Mexico
5TH IAEA TECHNICAL MEETING ON SPHERICAL TORI - 16th International Workshop on Spherical Torus (ISTW2011)- 2011 US-JAPAN WORKSHOP ON ST PLASMA, Japón 27-30 Septiembre 2011.
Articles in Extenso, Memories and/or Proceedings of National Conferences
M.Salvador, C.U.Acosta, J.A.González, J. Gonzalez, J.R. Morones, J. Martinez, S. Martinez, R.M.Chávez, V.M.Arredondo, A.Nieto, O.A.Muñoz, G.R. Cavazos, M.A. Sanroman, C.A. Olivares, J.A. Arce, O.A. Islas
Tokamak "T" Toroidal Cases Design
XX Annual International Congress, SOMIM. 24, 25 and 26 September 2014. Juriquilla, Querétaro, Mexico (conference and article)
Salvador, M .; Ribeiro, C .; González, J .; Comparan, J.L .; Morones J.R .; Tapia A.E .; Chávez R.M .; Muñoz O.A .; Arredondo V.M .; Nieto A .; Martínez J .; Estrada E .; González J.A .; Garza A.V .; Jasso E.J .; Acosta C.U .; Cavazos G.R .; Almaguer F.J.
Fusion: Experimental magnetic confinement platform in Mexico
IX International Congress on Innovation and Technological Development, 23 - 25 November 2011. ISBN: 978-607-95255-3-8 (conference and article)
Salvador, M .; Martínez, J .; Villarreal, A .; Muñoz, O.A .; Tapia, A.E .; Nieto, A .; Arredondo, V.M .; Chavez, R.M .; Velasco, J.C .; Martínez, S.
Supply Study for the Magnetic Confinement Tokamak "T" Experimental Facility
VIII International Congress on Innovation and Technological Development, 24-26 November 2010, Cuernavaca, Morelos. ISBN: 978-607-95255-2-1 (conference and article)
Salvador, M .; Chavez, R.M .; Arredondo, V.M .; Tapia, A.E .; Nieto, A .; Velasco, J.C .; Muñoz, O.A .; Martínez, J .; Martínez, S.
Supercomputing applied into the experimental theoretical symbiosis in the fusion area and magnetic confinement Tokamak "T" design device .
1st International Supercomputing Conference in Mexico, Supercomputing Congress, Guadalajara, Jalisco, 2-5 March 2010. ISBN: 978-607-450-348-7 (conference and article)
Salvador, M .; Muñoz, O.A .; Briones, C.E .; Martínez, S .; Martínez, J.
Magnetic Confinement Pellet Injector System Design
XV Annual International Congress of SOMIM Cd. Obregón, Sonora, Mexico; 9/23/2009 9/25/2009 Memories of the 15th Annual International Congress of SOMIM 2009, ISBN: 978-607-95309-0-7; A1_71, pp. 198-204 (conference and article)
Ribeiro C.; Salvador M.; González J.; Muñoz O.; Tapia A.; Arredondo V.; Chávez R.; Nieto A.; González J.; Garza A.; Estrada E.; Jasso E.; Acosta C.; Briones C.; Cavazos G.; Martínez J.; Morones J.; Almaguer J.; Fonck R.
The spherical tokamak MEDUSA for Mexico, American Physical Society 2011, Salt Lake City, USA.
Salvador, M.; Muñoz, O.A.; Nieto, A.; Martínez, J.; González J.A.; Tapia, A.E.; Arredondo, V.M.; Chávez, R.M.; Velasco, J.C.
Angular and articulated pellet injection mechanism on the Mexican Tokamak Experimental Facility
Symposium on Fusion Technology, SOFT 2010, Porto, Portugal, 27 Sept. – 1 Oct. 2010.
Patents pending and Industrial Models
Patents pending
Pellet injection system with angular variable insertion on power generation area: MX/a/ 2011/01002